With every measure we put in place

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Red Letters, with Michael MacCambridge and Neil Atkinson (Image: Raj Dhunna)Welcome to Red Letters.Football, soccer, is a truly global game. It is also a game which means so much more than 22 players on the pitch and the two managers in the dugout. For 90 minutes at a time, this is what matters most, but surrounding that is culture, identity, and relationships.To be a part of a club can often mean to be part of a family, a kinship, which only a small percentage in this world can experience.

In a letter to Glynn County police in early April, a prosecutor previously assigned to the case outlined reasons he believed there was probable cause to issue arrest warrants in the case. Waycross District Attorney George E. Barnhill argued that the McMichaels actions were legal under Georgia laws on citizen arrests, the open carry of guns and self defense..

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