NYC had close to 2000 murders annually and DC had

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As part of the government target which aims to make Ho Chi Minh City the first smart city in Vietnam by 2020 and Hanoi by 2030, billion dollar mega projects are currently underway to build smart cities. Over the years, urbanisation has been a drive for national socio economic development. The whole country has more than 830 urban areas and the national urbanisation rate has reached 38.6 per cent.

These clubs had many successful and unique activities on campus and off. The Business Council (SBC) had its “Be The Change Project” (creating community on campus) that for the third year in a row organized an On Campus Garden, Offered a “Celebrate the Harvest” free Pasta Event (fresh vegetable sauce from the garden), free Pancake Breakfast (Pasta and Pancakes were cooked by the Cafeteria thank you). More “Be the Change” events were held in conjunction with the Career Center including a “Feel Good Friday” Activities, food and the Elf Movie (first in the Atrium) a Valentine’s Day Movie and the Association Day..

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